Here’s a way to have actual Nucleus component paths in log files with ATG 2007.1 and JBoss: create a localconfig/atg/dynamo/service/logging/ file with the following content


The result is:

15:52:15,650 INFO  [/atg/registry/PipelineRegistry] Starting Pipeline Registry.
15:52:16,232 INFO  [/atg/reporting/md/DatasetDomain] Domain service started
15:52:16,442 INFO  [/atg/reporting/ChartTemplateScheduler] DSS Template scheduler started
15:52:16,754 INFO  [/atg/epub/file/RepositoryGroupRefresherService] Refreshed repository groups
15:52:16,847 INFO  [/atg/epub/file/RestartableComponentCheckinListener] Restartable component checkin listener started up successfully.
15:52:17,323 INFO  [/atg/epub/DeploymentServer] no targets defined in topology definition file

This configuration could possibly cause a small performance hit, but in my view makes the log much more useful and it should become the default.

One could play also with the Log4J configuration, for example this pattern in log4j.xml

<param name="ConversionPattern" value="**** %-5p %d{ABSOLUTE} %c{1} %m%n"/>

gives a more familiar look (for those accustomed to DAS, anyway):

**** INFO  15:57:29,842 /atg/epub/file/RepositoryGroupRefresherService Refreshed repository groups
**** INFO  15:57:29,936 /atg/epub/file/RestartableComponentCheckinListener Restartable component checkin listener started up successfully.
**** INFO  15:57:30,552 /atg/epub/DeploymentServer no targets defined in topology definition file